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Committee purpose statement: 
This Committee shall concern itself with studying proposed legislation in the fields of criminal law and corrections and prepare position statements that have Executive Board and President Approval. These efforts must be based upon nonpartisan analysis, study and research of specific problems within the scope of the correctional field, and all results and findings of Committee analysis, study and research shall be made available to the public.  All legislative activity of the Committee shall serve a public rather than a private interest. 

Committee action statement:
The Committee, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, may support or oppose proposed corrections legislation; positions taken by the Committee must be consistent with our philosophy, mission statement and good correctional practice. Members representing the Association shall not indulge in practices, which could be construed as influence peddling or the placing of undue pressure upon legislators.


  • Provide a forum for discussion of legislative issues affecting Corrections, both juvenile and adult.
  • Develop a legislative platform that advances sound correctional practice.
  • Develop and maintain collaborative relationships with other professional organizations related to sound correctional practice.
  • Work to balance public safety, with the responsibility of assisting and motivating offenders toward pro-social change.
  • Inform the MCA membership of important legislative issues and seek their involvement in the legislative process.
  • Conduct a Legislative Update Workshop at the annual Fall Institute, and partner with others in participating in a "Capitol Day" event, and actively seek out key legislators to promote dialogue and advance the  Association's legislative platform.

Mark Bliven - DOC & Mary Cardinal - DOC Retiree - Committee Chairs

2024 Legislative Session Summary

MCA End of Legislative Session Summary

2024 MCA Legislative Agenda

Legislative Agenda - Summary

Legislative Agenda - Long Form

2023 Juvenile PO Registration Paper

Juvenile PO Registration Paper - 2023

Full Circle Advisory Group
Legislative Sub-Committee Proposal

Full Circle Advisory Group Proposal

Legislative Tracker/Updates- Click Here

by Cal Saari- MCA Legislative Liaison


Minnesota SecondChance Coalition Education-Resource Information
Click here for information on Voting in Minnesota with a Criminal Conviction

MCA Office 

PO Box 261

Wyoming, MN 55092


Phone: 651-515-3254

MCA Office 

PO Box 261

Wyoming, MN 55092

Phone: 651.462.8320

Email: mn-ca 

Fax: 651.717.6137

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